Sunday, November 2, 2008

another glorious fall day and the 'good/bad' breakfast

This is the best time of year for the Japanese Maple.
Here it is this morning in all of it's glory!

I made the biscuits from Vanessa's site: What Geeks Eat.
I love her technique for making them in the food processor and then making a tube and cutting the rounds. I add one more thing...I cut them with a piece of quilting thread. Put a 12 inch piece of thread under the tube where you want to make the first cut. Bring it over the top and crisscross the ends. Pull and you've got your first slice without smushing....

then I browned the sausage....yummm...
and made the milk gravy.

and finally and egg on top and Voila! Cholesterol Heaven!

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